Day1: First goal ........ 4.5lbs

True...... but am I patient enough to set myself a target of 0.5lbs a week?  

Watching the footage of the London Maraton yesterday, it hammered home that this journey will be a marathon and not a sprint so I'd be quite happy if I could lose almost 2 stone by this time next year. 

Weight watchers and counting points has worked for me in the past. I've been a weight watcher for years and years and when I stick to it and do it well, it does work. (The problem is when I fall off the wagon and 'forget' to get back on it!). They recommend a healthy weight loss of between 1-2lbs a week. This is also the guidance from the NHS. 

So, my blog will be mainly focussing on points but as I said yesterday, I'm willing to be flexible if the 'high' points are good points. 

I'm allowed 30 points a day. I'm also allowed 35 'weeklies' to have how I want. 

So what have a spent them on today? 

First up - breakfast: Chia seed pudding

Taken from The Happy Pear cookbook 
Points value: 8 

You can follow the recipe here: 

Lunch: Herby giant couscous 

Adapted from the Happy Pear cookbook
Points value: 15 (a high lunch but filling & tasty! 

I've previously blogged about this so you can find the recipe here: 
In this post I used wholemeal couscous not giant, either way, the portion size needs to be 120g. 

Dinner: Happy Pear Dahl

Adapted from (you've guessed it) The Happy Pear cookbook
Points value: 10 

So all in all not a bad first day! 

Oh! I did say I was going to blog everything that passed my lips! I cut a snickers into 6 and allowed myself a square! Worth 2 points? Yes! (Even the crumbs!) 

Total points used today: 35
Total weeklies left: 30 

Until tomorrow ;) 


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