Tasty things coming your way.....

I love weekends - I love long lie-ins, coffee in bed, lazy brunch, catching up with friends and having an hour to sit down and plan tasty meals for the week!

Friday night is my favourite night of the weekend for a number of reasons:
It's the start of the weekend - 62 full hours away from Monday morning! Friday night drinks taste better than any other night!And if I am to have a weekend hangover - I much prefer it on a Saturday. That way you get it over and done with and still have time to enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Friday night past, we were invited over to a friend's house to celebrate Burns Night. The hosts are great chefs and a night in their company is always a hoot! Needless to say I completely blew my points allowance - not only for the day, but for the whole weekend! That's what whisky, wine, haggis, neeps and tatties followed by an amazing dessert AND a big slab of homemade coffee cake will do!
Not a good weight watcher day but all amazingly delicious.

The haggis was particularly tasty and was vegetarian! I've asked for the recipe so I can share on the blog - and if I were you I wouldn't wait until next Burns Night to give it a try. um um ummmmmm

Like a good weight watcher, I was straight back on it yesterday and I stayed within my points. I've also come up with some crackers for the coming week - sticking to the vegetarian theme! So just to whet your appetite, here's a preview of what's coming up later in the week:

Moorish Tagine

Thai fried rice with toasted cashew nuts and stir fired sugar snap peas

Winter stew with dumplings and

Friday is curry night with vegetable samosas, butternut and cauliflower balti and a side of spinach and chickpeas.

I've also been asked if I have any recipes for breakfast. Our usual Monday - Friday staple is porridge and on the weekend we usually have poached eggs, crumpets and mushrooms. Last week we had some Halloumi left over so had a slice of that salty deliciousness too! (2pp for halloumi, 2pp for egg, 3pp for crumpet, 0pp for mushrooms = total 7pp)

I will be posting a recipe for Breakfast Frittata later today! A perfect Saturday Brunch recipe!
So what did you cook over the weekend? Recipes and pictures please!

Have you tried any of the recipes posted? How were they?